Let's Get Sensual!

Join me for a couple minutes to Tune In to the larger world of the senses. 
Let's get sensual. Take a moment to pause, drop distractions, get comfortable and Join Me in a sensual experience always available.

I'll share my favorite way to layer in loving devotional energy into the day.  When I feel sensational, I am tuned to the finer layers of feeling.
Let us Start In Touch with the silky shirt and breeze or cozy cashmere sweater draping over warm body.
Deep breath and Notice the way your clothes contact your skin or the chair is holding you. Feeling a hug of gravity and points of contact with the Earth.
Orient your noticing to touch your in~breath, open nostrils to scents in the space or even run your nose along your arm to find a scent. Maybe you have something you enjoy the smell of nearby that you can sniff now. Imagine me holding a fragrant rose under your nose right now!
And as your senses open more, allow any tastes in your mouth to awaken. Roll your tongue over your teeth or roof of mouth with explorative sweep. Gather saliva, wet warm liquid that rolls down your throat to dance in your stomach. 
Expand to open your ears like a wild animal, listening wide to far off sounds, present nearby hum, or music drifting through the alive and vibrant space. Let the sound touch your eardrum and vibrate on the exhale with a hummm, mmmmmmmmm like a bumble bee. Enjoy a few rounds of noticing the layer of sounds at a distance and returning to the simple humming exhale, massaging your vagus nerve to allow more pleasure in.
Let yours eyes drift around your space and land on points of beauty like a green plant, a view from your window, texture that interests your eyes or colors that pop. Let attention be with beauty, space and the million things that are working right now is one favorite reset practice.
Thank yourself for the moment of sensual noticing meditation. May your day be filled with tiny moments of beautiful presence and delicious pause.