

Satisfying sex and nourishing, connected relationships are keys to a joyful life. They can also be the biggest source of distraction, mental angst and emotional turmoil. You don’t have to do it alone, or just bounce off each other, with triggers re~firing. In fact, you can move through challenges to find desire, connection and ease again. I am here to help you turn conflict into a chance for deeper, profound intimacy. Let's lean in together to get to the core of what’s not working, so we can move towards your deepest longing for the relationship. Research shows that people learn, re~pattern and make changes by engaging in an actual embodied experience. Much of the work in my practice is somatic (body-based), practical, and experiential. We'll build a bridge between mismatched desire, expand sexual potential, practice honest communication and increase satisfaction for everyone involved.

Working with women or female identified folx…

Let us get current with the intimate grit of your life and take a refreshing look at what’s true. We are shaped by our relations, socialization, life experiences and patterns and all need help sometimes. We will identify what's holding you back, and build the map to where you want to travel. Together, we (re)connect to your body's wisdom, pleasure and desires. You will learn to embody the keys to relating that will support you in all parts of your life, love and work.


I’m here to support and encourage your journey into shame-free sexual ecstasy, calming the raging storms of emotions, and surrendering into the infinite bliss, still pool of inner knowing. All of you is welcome here. I honor your pace and will meet you at your growing edge.

I help bridge the divide.

Common focus areas include but are not limited to: Low Libido or Desire, Body Shame, Discovering Desires, Embodied Confidence, Receiving Nurturing, Rediscovering Sex, Inability to Orgasm, Reconnecting with Pleasure, Recovery After Surgery or Illness, Playful Dating & Relationship Coaching, Fear, Shame & Trauma Support, and Reclaiming Sexual Sovereignty.

Working with men or male identified folx

Connection is everything and sometimes it's Just not easy or maybe you remember a time when it was exhilerating, energizing and effortless.


I'm here to help you embody the tools necessary for All your life relations to be successful and inspiring. I invite you to to take the leap, so that you can relax into easeful, authentic relating, experience profound passion and connect with the sex and deep surrender you long for and deserve. Common areas of focus can include but are not limited to; Fear, Shame and Trauma, Erectile Challenges
Premature or Delayed Ejaculation
Performance Anxiety
Tricky Turn-Ons & Pleasure coaching
Porn "Addiction"
Lack of Experience
Recovery After Surgery or Illness
Dating & Relationship Coaching
​ Together we’ll coax the wise one from within and expand the possibilities.


Groups, Dance & Movement

I honor dance as the teacher. I use guided movement and somatic explorations to dive deeper into understanding yourself, to resolve stuck places and learn through the body's inherent wisdom. Movement can help change patterns, spark joy and embody learning. I bring an experiential and playful approach to my offerings that will help you on the social dance floor and the dance through life, love and relations.

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I am currently inspired to share Blindfold Fusion Partner dance classes. Dancing blindfolded has vastly improved my dance and it's a magical journey to embark on.

Dance, music, and movement has been my medicine for years and it is a joy for me to share. I incorporate a vast background, having explored many different forms, including: Blindfold Fusion, Soul Motion, Swing, Contact Improv, Belly Dance, 5 Rhythms, Salsa, Blindfold Trance, Capoeira, Barefoot Boogie, Ecstatic, Nightclubs, Live Music, Ballroom, Contra and Fusion Partner dance. Since 2014 I have co-facilitated a weekly Fusion Partner Dance Event. I teach classes and DJ in Grass Valley, CA. and events around the country.

Integrative Bodywork

Welcome. You can relax, unwind and receive. My therapeutic bodywork transforms tension, reboots a fried nervous system, Integrates and aligns, so that you can operate at your fullest potential.

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I tailor sessions to your individual needs which may include Chi Nei Tsang (Toaist Abdominal Therapy), Breathwork Coaching, Somatic Inquiry, Stretching, Deep Tissue Massage, Hot Stones, Cranio-Sacral Therapy, and/or Aromatherapy.

Bodywork has been a passion of mine since I began school in 2002; it was a hobby long before that. I even followed my original passion to learn Equine Massage and work on four legged friends as well. Over the years I’ve studied and expanded into a variety of modalities and I continue to enhance my tool kit with ongoing schooling and teaching.

Ready to get started with an empowering couples session? Schedule HERE now.

Want to talk to me first?

Schedule an intro chat here.

Options for Working with Me…

If you’re living outside of Gold Country, California, never fear.  I work globally over Zoom video conference or could be willing to travel. It’s also true I offer InPerson sessions in Bellingham, Wa in the summer, often from July- August.

Communicating Together Series:  Even if you’re good at talking with other people, it’s not always easy to talk to your beloved and feel heard.  In 10 sessions, I will take you through practices, experiences, and enlightening lessons that will leave you feeling heard, respected, and able to communicate very well, even when I’m not with you!

Pleasure Together Series: Reach new levels of intimacy and delight in the bedroom and in all of life together.  You’ll learn which Pleasure Type you are, and how this relates to your partner’s Type.  In 10 personalized and one-on-one experiential sessions (in-person or on the internet) you’ll learn more than you ever thought possible about how pleasure and be pleasured in your relationship.  You’ll have your lists together of which things are your no-lose practices to please both of you.

Private Immersive Weekend: This includes lodging, food, bodywork and in-person training. If you are interested please contact me. All services and series are available as a private immersive weekend.

Services for Individuals:  Empowerment, Sex and Intimacy Coaching, Somatic Sex Education, Sexological Bodywork, Integrative Bodywork/Massage, Embodiment Arts and Dance Training

Rates: Contact Matia directly for Relating, Sex & Intimacy Coaching prices. To support your ongoing erotic explorations, integration and practice, I offer sessions in Series of 10, 5 and 3 sessions. All Coaching Sessions utilize a combination of The Somatica Method Sex & Relationship Coaching, Skills for Change and experiential embodiment practices.

Payment plans & scholarships available, please contact me for more information at 530-263-0987

*Sessions available in person in the Bay Area, Grass Valley/Nevada City, CA, Bellingham, WA, as well as online. 

GUARANTEE:  If you do one of my series, programs, do all the work, all the exercises I prescribe, and participate fully in all of the sessions, and still have not reached your set goals for the program, I will continue coaching you at no cost until you reach those goals.

*As a Certified Sexological Bodyworker, I am honored to support your embodiment through erotic practice, and to do so, I celebrate and adhere to the protocols and ethical standards of Sexological Bodywork. This includes me using one-way touch (me to you), and I am clothed for your sessions. 

I honor your pace and help you expand your growing edge.

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Let the adventures Begin!